tombs 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Tombs
tombs 双语例句
After about the third tomb raider game , we realized we had had enough of raiding tombs and fighting dinosaurs . 大约是在《古墓丽影》第三代之后,我们认识到我们已经有太多的可以劫掠的墓穴和好战的恐龙。 Almost everything on view comes from tombs , buddhist cave monasteries or buried treasure . But the sandy colour suits the muted colours of many of the objects . 几乎所有的展品都出自墓穴、佛教洞窟或者地下宝藏,不过那种沙子的颜色正好能与多数文物的柔和色调相一致。 The strange stone formations were uncovered in 2009 , by archaeologist robert mason of the royal ontario museum , who came across stone lines , circles , and tombs in a near-lifeless area of desert . 这些奇特的石质建筑是皇家安大略博物馆的考古学家罗伯特麦森于2009年最先发现的,他在荒无人烟的沙漠中发现了石块的线形、环形结构,以及石头墓穴。 " These tombs were built beside the king 's pyramid , which indicates that these people were not by any means slaves , " zahi hawass , the chief archaeologist heading the egyptian excavation team , said in a statement . 埃及发掘队的首席考古学家扎希哈瓦斯说:“这些墓穴修建在埋葬国王的金字塔旁,这意味着这些人绝不是奴隶。” Europeans and middle easterners spent centuries raiding ancient egyptian tombs and turning the bandaged bodies into cheap commodities . 欧洲人和中东人花了几个世纪偷盗古埃及墓群了,将这些缠满绷带的尸体变成了廉价的商品。