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tion 双语例句
As the police van screamed through the london traffic , the policewoman listened in to her radio and passed the informa - tion to alan . 警车从伦敦的行人车辆中呼啸而过,女警察听着她的对讲机,把信息传给阿兰。 Tion of being in water , even walking on land for 120 kilometers is not easy . 对一般人来说,别说在水里,就是在陆地上走120公里也是不容易的。 Tion , large current transients make the task of delivering reliable processor power even more challenging . 并且,大电流瞬变使得处理器功耗可靠输出的任务更加。 Special atten tion will be paid to people from disadvantaged areas . 对来自条件较差地区的人将给予特别的关注。 Results of the european glaucoma preven - tion study . 欧洲青光眼预防研究的结果。