thun 双语例句
Henry said he will miss Arsenal \'s Champions League opener against Thun on Wednesday . 亨利说他将缺席周三阿森纳冠军联赛对阵图恩的开幕战。 Major Cities : Zurich , Basel , Geneva , Bern , Lausanne , Winterthur , Lucerne , Bienne , Thun . 主要城市:苏黎世,巴塞尔,日内瓦,伯尔尼,洛桑,温特图尔,卢塞恩,比安,图恩。 He was still in the middle of the road when the horses thun - dered up to the inn . Pew turned with a scream , but he turned the wrong way , and ran straight into the first of the horses . The rider tried to save him , but failed . 马队朝客店冲过来时皮尤正走在路中间,他尖叫一声转过身来,但转错方向,径直朝着领头的马跑去。