- adj. [医]被代替的,废弃的
- v. 取代,接替( supersede的过去式和过去分词 )
superseded 双语例句
And even a modest overhaul will be superseded by changes within finance itself . 即使一次适度的修整也将被金融体系自身的改变而取代。 The question now is whether the exchange will happen before it is superseded by events . 现在的问题是,这项互换是否会在落实之前就被其它事件取代。 Previously published estimates are superseded and archived . 先前公布的估计数字代替并存档. But this seeming is not an utter nonentity and nothing at all , but being superseded and put by . 但这种假象并非空无所有,完全无物,而是一种被扬弃的存在。 This online text has now been superseded by publication of the tenth edition of the merck veterinary manual in september 2010 , and may contain inaccurate or outdated information . 这个在线的版本已被2010年9月出版的默克兽医手册的第十版取代,并可能包含不准确或过时的信息。