stong 双语例句
The structure and magma activities of Xiahaoping gold deposit are stong , and it has a good metallogenetic geological condition . 河南嵩县下蒿坪金矿区构造、岩浆活动强烈,具有良好的成矿地质条件。 And those existed researches more focused on low-altitude areas with sand-bed rivers than high-altitude areas with stong uplift and gravel-bed rivers . 此外,已有研究多针对于低海拔、沙质河床,而很少有涉及高海拔、构造抬升强烈、砾质河床的地区。 The effect is as stong as that of aspirin compound ( little difference between the two groups , P > 0.05 ) . 其降温效果与复方阿斯比林相比没有统计学的差异(P>0.05). It is hard to tell who is better from two different countries , because each has his own stong and weak points . 很难说哪个国家的人比另外一个国家的人好,因为他们都有各自不同的优缺点。 Yes , I hare that , At present , what we want is stong , independent leader , not a bunch of yes-man . 没错,我就恨这个。现在,我们要的是强有力的,有主见的领导人,可不是和事佬。