stingrays 双语例句
Boasting unrivalled views of sharks , stingrays , turtles and stunning coral , the five-star eatery at the Conrad Maldives Hotel was built so that guests can enjoy the beauty of the ocean without getting their feet wet . 马尔代夫港丽酒店的这家五星级餐厅自称能让顾客最好地观看鲨鱼、黄貂鱼、海龟和绚丽珊瑚。餐厅建造的目的就是让顾客不用下海便能欣赏大海的美丽景致。 After removing enough debris from the stingrays , you will be asked to select the correct answer to continue . 当你打掉黄貂鱼身上这些杂物之后,会被问到选择正确的回答来继续前进。 One of the most heart-stopping was in a lagoon with stingrays and sharks swimming past them in Daydream Island , Australia . 最惊心动魄的一场婚礼是在澳大利亚的“白日梦岛”举行的。当时他们在一个礁湖上,黄貂鱼和鲨鱼在他们身边游来游去。 There are many different kinds of stingrays , but all of them have the same basic flat body shape and long tail . 魟有很多种,但共同特徵是扁平身体和长尾巴。 In a world of clouds and crystalline blue , a pair of stingrays glides just below the surface in the waters of French Polynesia \'s Tuamotu archipelago . 图片美术馆。在无数的云彩和水晶般的蓝色,一对黄貂鱼滑动恰好深入在法属波利尼西亚的土木土群岛水域。