starlings 双语例句
One of starlings concluded that these birds become optimistic or pessimistic based on living conditions . 一个是关于八哥的研究,结论就是这些鸟儿能根据它们的生活状态变得乐观或者悲观。 Granted I 've only mentioned baboons and starlings but there you 've got a mammalian representative and an avian one . 虽然我只是提到了狒狒和八哥,但是它们是哺乳动物和禽类的代表。 The starlings are therefore more noticeable . 因此这些令人吃惊的鸟群更加引人注目。 Type genus of the sturnidae : common starlings . 椋鸟科的模式属;常见的八哥。 I really enjoy the ingenuity of scientists testing optimism and pessimism in starlings episodic memory in scrub jays and meadow voles joy in rats . 我非常欣赏科学家们的创造力,他们能测试八哥的乐观和悲观,测试灌丛鸦和草甸田鼠的情景记忆,测试老鼠的欢乐。