英 [ˈspɪləʊvə(r)]
美 [ˈspɪləʊvə(r)]
- n. 溢出;溢出物;(大城市等容纳不下的)外流人口;始料未及的效果
spillover 中文词源
spillover 溢出部分,多余部分
spillover 双语例句
So far , there has been no sign of such a spillover effect this time around . 到目前为止,还没有此类溢出效应的迹象。 But the actual figure could be much higher , depending on spillover effects and the response from the private sector . 但是依据溢出效应(注1)和私营企业的相应举措,实际数字可能远高于此。 It has positive spillover effects on the number of employees firms hire , and on the wages of low-skilled workers in high-tech sectors . 在企业雇员的数量以及高科技部门低技术工人的工资问题上,“研发”对其有正面的溢出效应。 Managers benefit from all four types of urban spillover , while hi-tech workers particularly benefit from the spread of ideas described by marshall and jacobs . 管理人士可从上述全部4种城市知识溢出中受益,而高科技劳动者尤其能够从马歇尔和雅各布斯描述的“思想传播”获利。 It warns supervisors to take more account of macroprudential spillover as many insurers react similarly to economic events . 由于很多保险公司对经济事件的反应几乎是相同的,因此其警告监管者要更多的考虑下宏观审慎溢出效应。