sno 双语例句
Sent you a sno ball ? 送了你一个雪球? You want a sno ball or something ? 你要吃斯诺球或者别的么? They ant to kno hen it ill rain , hen it ill sno and hether their crops may e injured y frost or hail . 她们想懂患上它啥子时辰降雨,啥子时辰下雪,她们的庄稼是不是有可能会被霜,雹子所危险。 By chemical method sno2-ag -- sno 2 bipolar membrance is propered on the carrier of glass andthe condition for the preparation of the membrance and its performance are examined . 采用化学镀膜法在玻璃截体上制备了sno2-ag-sno2复合膜,对膜的制备条件及膜性能进行了考察。