smartwatch 双语例句
The idea of a smartwatch isn 't new . 智能手表这种创意一点都不新鲜。 On a display small enough for a smartwatch , the software design seems like a natural fit . 在智能手表狭小的屏幕上,磁贴这种软件设计似乎浑然天成。 Chances are you haven 't. and it is not because the dummy smartwatch is something new . 而这并不是因为傻瓜智能手表是什么新鲜事物。 Here 's our wishlist of features if a microsoft smartwatch should become reality : 如果微软果真推出智能手表,我们希望该设备具备以下功能: When was the last time you saw a person sporting a smartwatch ? 你最近一次看到有人玩智能手表是什么时候?