signup 双语例句
Choose how isp signup will be handled during windows welcome . 选择在windows欢迎屏幕上处理isp注册的方式。 Please begin signup process again , or contact our sales department for assistance . 请重新申请,或者联系我们的销售部门寻求帮助。 This person has messenger , but did not include their e-mail address in their signup information . 此人有messenger,但没有在报名信息中包含电子邮件地址。 When you use a floating window for a login / signup , you are saving a good amount of space on each page . 当你使用一个浮动窗口为了登录/注册,你正在为每一个页面上节省大量的空间。 I can imagine the signup process to be much simpler than we 've ever seen . 我能想象,注册的过程要比我们现在看到的简单得多。