sence 双语例句
Grass can never sence the warmth of sunshine without the experience of severe winter . 没有经历过严冬的小草,永远感受不到阳光的温暖。 We are looking for someone with a real sence of commitment to the job . 我们在找一个对这项工作真正负责的人。 A sence of control is the litmus test for success . 有无控制感是成功的试金石。 I saw the news says that a lot of war sence from this movie were cut by the director . 我在新闻中听说这个电影被某部删去了很多经典的战争镜头。 Leaving the office that afternoon , I felt a great sence of relief . 那于下午离开办公室时,我如释重负。