sagan 双语例句
Sagan : " more voices able to reach more people more quickly . 萨根:“更多的声音可以在更短时间内被更多人听到。 Sagan : " you would have made yourself irrelevant by creating what today you would call a paywall . 萨根:“如果当时树立一个今天所谓的‘付费墙’,可能会让你跟不上时代潮流。 But sagan himself lobbied long and hard for an attempt . 可是萨根为了拍照进行了一番长久而又艰苦的游说。 The late astronomer carl sagan once warned that humans were making a big mistake in trying to fend off killer asteroids . 已故天文学家卡尔萨根(carlsagan)曾经警告说,人类试图挡开杀手小行星是在犯一个大错误。 Written when sagan was 18 , the novel 's depiction of teenage sexuality caused a scandal , but went on to sell 850000 copies in france . 萨冈18岁时写的这部小说描写青少年性行为引起非议,但却在法国一气卖了85万册。