reprising 双语例句
Re-enter steve jobs reprising his role as ceo , things were about to change . 重新归来的史蒂夫乔布斯重任首席执政官的职位,一切都开始改变。 Flute reprising ...... flute examination tutorial from centre music institute . 中央音乐学院长笛考级教程。 Billy bob thornton and greg kinnear do well reprising matthau and morrow and the kids are all fittingly obnoxious when they need to be . 比利鲍伯松顿和格雷戈金尼尔做好重现殊和莫罗和孩子都恰当地令人厌恶的时候,它们需要。 Reprising its defiant reaction , samsung yesterday accused apple of pursuing " outright abuse of patent law " . 三星昨日再度作出不服气的反应,指控苹果在“公然滥用专利法”。 Because of this , policymakers have a difficult time thinking about the implications of a nuclear iran and resort to simplistic grandstanding , reprising outdated political fears that lack historical nuance or modern perspective . 因此,政府决策人员很难想到拥有核武器的伊朗的意义,并且采取过于单纯的哗众取宠的方式,重新引起缺乏历史对比以及现代视角的过时了的政策恐惧。