replicas 双语例句
Dozens of replicas exist in official laboratories in many countries . 还有几十个类似的复制品存放在许多其他国家的官方实验室里。 In 1896 the monogram design was launched in an effort to counteract the replicas his competitors were marketing . 在1896年发布的字母组合图案设计在努力抵消其竞争对手生产的复制品。 And the digital technology used in creating three-dimensional replicas is improving all the time ( see comparisons pictured ) . 且运用于创建三维复制品的数字技术一直在改善(对比如图所示)。 Delete mail replicas on all other servers . 删除其他所有服务器上邮件副本。 But this is the first time so many have been persuaded to build replicas of themselves in another country , a more permanent and riskier proposition . 但这是这么多学校首次被说服在另一个国家建立自己的复制品,显然是一个更持续但风险也更大的提议。