reissuing 双语例句
Ncu reissuing of lost student id application form . 国立中央大学学生证遗失补发申请表。 Where its qualification certificate is lost , before applying for reissuing the certificate , it shall publish a lost notice on a public news medium . 遗失资格证书的,在申请补办前,应当在公众媒体上刊登遗失声明。 Ncu application for the reissuing of the student i.d. card . 国立中央大学学生证补发申请表。 Application form for reissuing master account user id and password . 重发用户编号及密码申请表格。 In case of finding any non-conformity upon checking , the authority shall notify the shipowner of making an application for altering the registration or reissuing the certificate within a specified time limit . 经核对发觉不符时,应通知船舶所有人于限期内申请变更登记,或换发船舶国籍证书。