- abbr. price 价格;polysulphide rubber compound 硫合橡胶化合物;procedure 程序;packed red cells 压积红细胞
prc 双语例句
The last 30 years were characterized by demographic expansion very favorable to growth in the prc . 过去30年的特点是人口膨胀非常有利于中国经济的增长。 Proliferation in northeast asia might be a nightmare , but if so , it will be a nightmare shared by all , including the prc . 东北亚地区的核扩散会是一场噩梦,但是如果噩梦成真的话,这也将是所有国家共同的梦魇,当然也包括中国。 Thus it really would be in the prc 's interest to help halt the north korean nuclear program . 这样帮助终止朝鲜的核计划完全符合中国的利益。 In the eyes of the prc government overseas chinese were considered capitalist agents , and maintaining good relations with southeast asian governments was more important than maintaining the support of overseas chinese . 在中华人民共和国政府的眼中,海外华人被看作是资本主义的代理人;并且认为:维护同东南亚各国政府的良好关系比保有海外华人的支持更重要。 After the establishment of prc , the palace museum staff committed to work with a new will and enthusiasm , removed weeds , unblocked the river , cleaned the garages . 中华人民共和国成立后,故宫博物院的工作人员决心用新的希望和热情开始工作,他们清除杂草,畅通河流,清洁车房。