poppies 双语例句
A policeman shows how to make heroin from poppies . 警察叫你怎么用罂粟制作海洛因。 I 'm bound to pass by all these poppies and pansies . 一定要往罂粟花和三色紫罗兰边上走去。 More egregiously , the army remains heavily involved in the large-scale cultivation and sale of opium poppies in the region . 更过分的是,该军队在此地区仍然保持着较高的、大规模的罂粟种植量。 But afghanistan is again the world leader in the production of opium , which is derived from poppies and converted into heroin . 但是阿富汗也是世界上鸦片产量最大的国家,而鸦片就是从罂粟中提取,然而转化成海洛因的。 A report from the un said cultivation of poppies in afghanistan dropped by 22 % in the past year and opium production fell by 10 % . 联合国公布的一份报告称,阿富汗境内的罂粟种植在过去的一年中已经下降了22%,鸦片的产量减少了10%。