ploughs 双语例句
Late in life , gatling did divert his attention to steam-powered ploughs . 加特林到了晚年,他确实将注意力转移到了蒸汽式的犁。 Historically , women were much more involved in farming among groups that did not use ploughs . 历史上,女人在种群中更多地参加到没有使用犁的农业中。 Broadly speaking , ploughs are most useful for crops that require large tracts of land to be tilled in a short span of time , perhaps because the climate favours a grain with a relatively short growing season . 更广泛地来说,或许因为气候更青睐于生长季节相对较短的谷物,一些谷物要求在一定时间内大范围地种植,对于它们而言,犁是最有效的工具。