photos 双语例句
In practice , resulting photos are a mixed bag . 实际上,One手机摄像头拍摄的照片有好有坏。 Com platform , a compilation of photos that people have sent in of themselves wearing trench coats . " 比如它有一个artofthetrench.com平台,这个网站主要是让人们分享自己的照片,展示自己穿风衣的照片。 Instagram is the clear leader in mobile photos . 而Instagram显然是手机照片分享领域的领头羊。 A backside illumination sensor allows better photos in darker environments 新一代iPad的背部设有照明传感器,可以提高在昏暗环境下拍摄的照片的质量。 What do the photos look like ? 照片二次对焦