pears 双语例句
2 Firm pears , peeled , cored , and cut into bite-sized cubes 2个硬梨,去皮,去心,切成一口大小的立方体 Uribe tried to help garza by sending him kiwis , grapefruit , pears and a protein supplement . 乌里韦曾试图帮助加尔萨,并送给他猕猴桃,柚子,梨和蛋白质补充剂等物品。 Sellers must turn lemons into apples , pears , strawberries and all the rest . 销售方一定会把柠檬换成苹果、梨、草莓或其余各种水果。 First , the construction of output data is continually being updated real time apples end up being compared with future pears . 第一,产出数据的构成在不断更新就好像拿今天的苹果,与明天的梨相比较。 You 're left with a delicious bread stuffing flavored with mushrooms , pears and shallots and cooked in a muffin tin . 这样你的美味面包馅就只剩下蘑菇,梨,葱,注意要用松饼罐煮。