- abbr. Over the Air 无线下载,一般应用在手机等终端;Overflying-Top Attack 飞越顶部攻击
ota 双语例句
Ota page positioning , what is this ? 什么是在线旅行社的页面定位? How many rooms did you allocate on all your ota channels ? 有多少房间您是分配给所有在线旅行社渠道的? Conversely , traffic to ota websites decreased , but their conversion rates increased . 相反地,在线旅行社的访问量降低了,而转化率却反而上升了。 The days of straight forward travel booking on either an ota or supplier site are rapidly coming to an end . 直接通过在线旅行社或者供应商网站进行旅游预订的日子很快就要结束了。 It seems that there is a veritable love / hate relationship going on between many hoteliers and ota 's from franchises to independent hotels . 看来,从特许经营酒店到单体酒店,很多酒店业者与在线旅行社之间确实存在着一股爱恨情仇。