- abbr. ourselves 我们自己;order short shipped 退关;ordnance safety switch 军械安全开关;open-source software 开放资源软件
oss 双语例句
There was dai li , whose hand was seen in thwarted oss operations . 有戴笠,其黑手时常阻碍战略情报局的行动。 The oss is looking for me ? 欧斯正在找我吗? According to the dod , these misconceptions have hampered " effective dod use and development of oss . " 依国防部来看,这些误解已经妨碍“国防对开源软件的有效利用以及开源软件的发展” The next day donovan met with chiang kai-shek , who spoke of chinese sovereignty , and asked that oss act accordingly . 翌日,多诺万会晤蒋介石,中国政权的代言人,并因此问到了那项战略情报局的行动。 Washington 's approval of the saco agreement required that miles be appointed chief of oss activities in china . 华盛顿方面对中美合作所协议的批准要求迈尔斯被任命为战略情报局在中国活动的头儿。