olay 双语例句
As for the recommendation of skin care , it is certainly Oil of Olay ! 至于护肤品推荐嘛,当然是玉兰油啦! Analyze the Products \' Marketing Strategy-Analyze the Marketing Strategy of the Brand Olay Concurrently 浅论产品营销策略&兼析玉兰油营销之道 I use estee Olay \'s face wash before i go to bed . 我在睡觉前用玉兰油洗面奶洗脸。 Please write “ Apply for Olay ” on your envelope . The materials will not be returned . 请在信封上注明“玉兰油应聘”和“应聘工作城市”字样。未经录用者,材料恕不退还。 Please write “ apply for olay ” on your envelope . the materials will not be returned . 请在信封上注明“玉兰油应聘”字样。未经录用者,材料恕不退还。