- v. 故事( narrate的过去式和过去分词 )
narrated 双语例句
" He was so shameless he narrated the whole thing without any sense of remorse , " he said . “他毫不羞耻的叙述了整件事,并没有丝毫的后悔,”他说。 It also takes a certain daring to write a book narrated by someone who 's dead . 当然她需要相当的勇气才能写出一本有关已逝之人的书来。 This is narrated by magician and spellbinder ricky jay , whose book learned pigs & fireproof women can be seen open before the studious little stanley . 这段话由魔术师兼蛊惑人心的演说家里克杰(rickjay)叙述,你可以发现他的书《知识渊博的猪和防火的女人》(learnedpigs&fireproofwomen)摊在勤奋的小斯坦利面前。 Dave werner used his flash skills to not only publish his portfolio , but through the use of well narrated video he gives visitors a sense of his personal story which seeks to give stronger voice and context to his presented work . 戴夫维尔纳不仅充分利用flash技巧展示了自己的摄影作品,他还巧妙运用叙述性视频向访客描述了他追求使用强有力的声音和对比来呈现其作品的个人经历。