motorways 双语例句
The italian government rejects a spanish-italian motorways merger 意大利政府叫停西意高速公路企业合并 7 / 12 Motorways across south east australia were deserted as well . 7/12贯穿澳大利亚东南部的高速公路也荒渺无人迹。 Today the principal route through it is by road , along two parallel motorways . 今天,穿过莱茵河谷的主要途径是通过陆路两条平行的高速公路。 A report that hawks carrying cameras would be used on the motorways by police to catch speeding motorists . 一个关于高速公路交警会利用挂着照相机的雄鹰来逮住超速驾驶司机的报道。 Bus companies might run convoys of self-piloting coaches down the motorways , providing competition for intercity railways . 公共汽车公司将会在高速公路沿线派出自驾教练,形成城际铁路的竞争趋势。