mila 双语例句
Why do we become green in mila 's presence ? 为什么在mila出现中我们变成绿色呢? Mila calls this " the heart of the tao " . mila将这称之为“道之心”。 Victor shoots mila in the head , killing her . 维克多开枪射中了米拉的头部,杀死了她。 An example of this occurred a long time ago in mila 's recollection . 在mila的记忆中,在很久之前发生过一个这样的事例。 Those associated with our biology have survived , mila being one of billions that are related global wide . 那些与我们生物体的相关者存活了下来,mila就是全球数十亿的相关者之一。