mation 双语例句
The new infor mation will strip information of the lingering mysteries of the martian poles . 新信息定会揭开索绕在火星极地之上的迷团。 My new laptop can process in for mation much more quickly than my old computer . 我的新便携式电脑比旧电脑处理信息快得多。 Spend hours and days of research gathering infor - mation identified in this chapter with the objective of learning more than your competition . Use this knowledge to differentiate yourself and to create a perception of extensive knowledge . 为了达到比你的竞争对手了解得更多的目的,你应该花上几个小时甚至几天的时间来好好地收集本章所提到的信息,并利用这些知识让招聘方惊讶于你的博学,使你自己脱颖而出。 This vedio virgen of the ballet has been even more successful with the audiances than the orogenal theater production . It include some acting mation , slowmotion and stop action phrases that really help the audiance to understand the dance . 这个芭蕾舞的录像甚至比原始剧院那版还要成功,它包括了一些诸如慢动作,停顿的语汇信息,这些都很好的帮助了观众去理解这个舞蹈。