masse 双语例句
Thousands of men and boys were gathered in a soccer field and murdered en masse . 成千上万的男人和男孩被驱赶到一个足球场上,然后被集体枪杀。 The cost of services continues to rise , and baby-boomers are now entering the programme en masse . 各种服务的花销持续增加,婴儿潮一代正集体步入该项目的覆盖范围。 That ultimately spooked foreign investors , who fled en masse , triggering sharp currency devaluations and painful recessions . 这最终导致惊慌失措的外国投资者集体撤离,亚洲货币大幅贬值,经济陷入严重衰退。 In that case , the large speculative investment in copper could withdraw en masse leading to a potentially precipitous fall in prices . 如果是这样的话,对铜的大规模投机性投资可能会集体撤出,从而可能导致铜价暴跌。 Will they default en masse ? 他们会全体违约吗?