- [人名] [英格兰人、苏格兰人姓氏] 洛 Low的变体
lowe 双语例句
Rob lowe is young , cunning . 白俄罗斯共和国洛威是年轻,狡猾。 In 1986 professor lowe retired through ill health . 1986年洛教授由于身体不好而退休了。 At the columbia train station , lowe was arrested and imprisoned . 但在哥伦比亚火车站洛又遭逮捕,并被关进了监狱。 If you use the stamp that shows the gas balloon " intrepid " , think of the amazing professor thaddeus lowe . 如果你使用这种印有气球“无畏者”号的邮票,不妨想想这位使人惊叹的撒迪厄斯洛教授吧。 At the same moment , napoleon at saint helena was treating in the same fashion the missives of sir hudson lowe addressed to general bonaparte . 与此同时,拿破仑在圣赫勒拿岛上也用同样的办法对待那些由贵人赫德森洛送给“波拿巴将军”的信件。