lly 双语例句
If a person re ` lly wants to see you they will make a way and nothing in the world would s ` op them . 如果一个人真想见你,他总能找到办法,全世界都阻挡不了他。 At these levels carbon does not precipitate like oxygen , nor is it electrica lly active . 这一浓度下碳既不象氧一样沉淀,也不呈电治性。 Probably my not enough love oneself , but can what to ma ke sure was I to rea lly love you . 或许我不够爱自己,但能确定的是我真的爱过你。 I held it on my hands caref , lly and found its wing bleeding . 我小心翼翼地捧起它,发现它的翅膀正在流血。 Eli lilly & co. ( lly ) has doubled its sales force in china and its venture-capital arm is investing $ 100 million largely in chinese life-sciences companies . 礼来公司(elililly&co.)将其在华销售人员增加了一倍,其风险投资部门正在投资1亿美元,目标主要为中国的生命科学企业。