英 [lækə'deɪzɪklɪ]
美 [lækə'deɪzɪklɪ]
lackadaisically 双语例句
He was hanging around the house lackadaisically . 他懒洋洋地在房子周围转来转去。 No company ever dazzled the world by lackadaisically going after a market . Executives never reach the pinnacle of their industry by consistently taking timid action . 从没有一家公司靠着不紧不慢地跟随市场就能举得瞩目成绩,从没有一位执行官靠一味保守决策而达到行业顶峰。 I had , at the moment she spoke , been furious at the tourists in front of us for strolling so lackadaisically , despite our not being in a hurry to get anywhere . 在她谈起这点时,我正对面前闲庭信步的游客感到生气,尽管我们也没有要急着赶去哪儿。