ks 双语例句
Beloit , ks hotels with conference room . 有会议室的伯洛伊特(堪萨斯州)饭店。 Before she dies , ks wants to affect people from all over the world with her art . 在去世前,她希望能够通过自己的艺术作品感动世界上每个角落的人。 And wa ks away , cooi as can be . 然后就走了,好像很酷的样子。 And finally , there 's the ks lesion on your face . 同时你的脸上终于有了损伤痕迹。 Her husband ks liu was the vice president of chinese national swimming team . 她的丈夫刘国生曾是中华游泳队的副主席。