koo 双语例句
But chief financial officer shang koo said advertising never was a major source of jiayuan 's revenue . 但据首席财务长顾尚修(shang-hsiukoo)说,广告从来不是世纪佳缘的主要收入来源。 Mr koo argues that those who criticise the fiscal deficits miss the point . 辜朝明辩称,那些批评财政赤字的人没能理解这一点。 Louis koo duxia image to a new generation , and cold image on its head , the fans were sitting . 古天乐以新一代赌侠形象出现,并将冷酷形象发挥得淋漓尽致,教影迷如痴如醉。 It also allows chinatrust to diversify its shareholder structure without forcing the koo family , the founders and biggest shareholders , to cede control . 此举也使中信金控得以实现股东结构多元化,同时无需迫使创始人及最大股东辜氏家族放弃控制权。 Victor koo , chief executive of youku , a video portal , says the average user spends an hour each day on his website . 视频门户优酷的首席执行官victorkoo(古永锵)称,平均每个用户每天在其网站上花一个小时。