kets 双语例句
Adds kets de vries , " senior executives need a place to dump their garbage . 凯茨•德•弗里斯补充道:“高管需要一个倾倒内心垃圾的地方。 Instead of constantly being pushed in real time , executives need reflective inactivity , says kets de vries . " 凯茨•德•弗里斯表示,高官们不应该被不断地推着走,不需要那么迅速地作出反应。 I wonder if prof kets de vries feels like a fake himself . 我很想知道,凯茨?德?弗里斯教授自己是不是感觉像个骗子。 As manfred kets de vries , a professor at insead business school , shows in a new book , the psychological condition of leaders can have a profound impact on all those who work under them . 就像欧洲工商管理学院(insead)教授曼弗雷德凯茨德弗里斯(manfredketsdevries)在其新书中所展示的,领导者的心理状况能够对所有下属产生深远影响。 " You have to manage these devices very carefully , and many of us don 't do it very well , " says kets de vries , who also holds a degree in psychoanalysis . " 凯茨•德•弗里斯还获得过精神分析学的学位,他说:“我们得非常谨慎地管理这些设备,而我们当中很多人做得并不好。