iwan 双语例句
' Emerging east asia is experiencing strong foreign portfolio capital inflows as investors chase higher returns in local markets , ' said iwan azis , an asian development bank official . 亚洲开发银行官员阿吉斯(iwanazis)说,由于投资者追逐亚洲本地市场的高回报率,大量外国资本正流入东亚新兴市场。 ' It seems to me the current issues in the south china sea are more serious than in the past , ' said iwan azis , head of the asian development bank 's office of regional economic integration . 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)地区经济整合办公室负责人阿吉斯(iwanazis)说,在我看来,当前的南中国海问题比以往更为严重。 ' The center of economic gravity is shifting to east asia , and asean is an important market within that , ' said iwan azis , the head of the asian development bank 's office of regional economic integration . 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)地区经济整合办公室负责人阿吉斯(iwanazis)说,经济重心正在向亚洲东部转移,而东盟正是该地区内的一个重要市场。 But , with the soaring rise in the price of basic food staples such as cooking oil , rice and soybeans , iwan is no longer able to make a profit and fears soon he will not be able to feed his family . 但是,随着食用油、大米和大豆这些基本的主食价格的飙升,伊万现在没钱可赚。他担心很快他就不能给家人提供糊口的东西了。