irAs 双语例句
At first , iras were only for people not covered by pensions at work . 首先,个人退休帐户只针对在工作中没有设置养老金的人们。 Contributions are tax-deductible , and sep iras have low maintenance fees . 捐款免税、电红外天文卫星有低维修费. Distributions from pensions , annuities , retirement or profit sharing plans , iras , insurance contracts , etc. 来自退休金,年金,退休或利润分配计划,个人退休帐户或者保险合同等的财产分配。 In reality , such a tax would affect iras , mutual funds and pensions by taxing the exchange of financial transactions . 真相是这种税可能会影响个人退休账户,共同基金和养老金,透过金融交易徵税。 The simple and sep iras are very nice supplemental tax shelters for small business owners and family businesses . 简单电红外天文卫星是很好的补充避税小型商业企业主及家族.