ily 双语例句
Let 's have done with this ily argument . 我们结束这场无聊的争辩吧。 Because eating seafood can actually treat some illness and prevent certain diseases , it can be considered a very health ily diet . 因为食用海鲜确实可以治疗和预防一些疾病的发生,所以海鲜被认为是一种很健康的饮食。 How ever , when the reporter arrived he found out that the zoologist had been brought to ju stice , becau se he had taught a junior among the go rilla fam ily to talk . 但是,当记者赶到的时候,却得知动物学家已被起诉,因为他教猩猩家族里的小猩猩说话。 It is easy to become obsessed with the numbers and forget that the point is to eat health ily and vary your foods . 人们很容易只关注数量而忽略重点是要吃的健康。