il 双语例句
According to state-run media , kimg jong il is the most prominent statesman in the present world , and people in countries the whole planet over celebrate his birthday with films and festivals . 根据国家媒体的宣传,金正日是这个世界上最杰出的政治家,而这个星球上所有国家的人们都通过电影和节日来庆祝他的诞辰。 And he has a rival in his aunt kim kyong hui , jong il 's reportedly vindictive and abusive sister , who was promoted alongside jong un on monday and may be charged with shepherding his development . 而且他还有一位对手姑姑金敬姬,据传金正日的这位妹妹报复心强且出言不逊,她周一与金正云同时被提拔,可能会承担引领金正云成长之责。 A member of the movement nicknamed il and aged 22 with a bandage of the union on his arm . 一个外号叫il的成员,22岁,手臂上带着联盟的绷带。 An italian newspaper , il giornale , fired back with a front-page article denouncing the der spiegel commentary . 意大利ilgiornale报后来在头版头条发表文章反驳了明镜周刊的评论。 Kim jong il 's regime is arguably the world 's nastiest . 可以说金正日政权是世界上最受厌恶的。