- abbr. injection gas-oil ratio 注入气和采出石油比
igor 双语例句
Igor milosevic , who runs a non-governmental organisation promoting civic activism , sees this as a psychological barrier . igormilosevic是一个非政府组织的领导人,致力于推动公民激进主义,他把这种情况看做是一种心理障碍。 Can we move on to igor now ? 现在能看伊戈尔的了吗? Igor charkovsky was a well-known person in moscow with crowds of fans who wanted to have healthy kids . 伊格尔柴可夫斯基在莫斯科可是著名人物,许多想生育健康婴儿的夫妇都是他的追随者。 His first-deputy prime minister is to be igor shuvalov , an economically liberal and politically flexible former kremlin aide . 第一副总理将会是igorshuvalov,他是一个在经济上的自由派,政治上却相当有弹性的前克里姆林宫顾问。 Paypal came up with igor , a computer system named after a russian thief and hacker who had opened fake accounts and taunted the firm 's security team in e-mails . 支付宝(paypal)与以一位开设假账户,并以电子邮件的形式奚落公司安全团队的俄罗斯盗贼兼黑客igor命名的电脑系统相伴而生。