- abbr. increase (价值,价格,库存,金额,生产等)增加;in calf, in charge of, in command 主管;inspected 已检验;inter cibos (Latin=between the meals) (拉丁语)两餐之间
ic 双语例句
Put your ic card on the inductor . 请将您的ic卡放在刷卡机上。 Its smart cards are used in various countries under the name " ic credit " or " chip and pin " . 藉着“集成电路(ic)信用卡”或“加密晶片”的名字,该组织的智能卡在各个国家都可通用。 Information commons ( ic ) provides opportunities for innovation and development of the library . 信息共享空间(简称ic)为图书馆的创新发展提供了机遇。 Perhaps we could mention multi-use ic cards . 比如说多功能智能卡。 Neither should seek hegemony in the asia-pacif - ic region and each is opposed to efforts by any other country or group of countries to establish such hege - mony . 任何一方都不应该在亚洲-太平洋地区谋求霸权,每一方都反对任何其他国家或国家集团建立这种霸权的努力。