- abbr. ibidem (Latin=in the same place) (拉丁语)出处同上;ibid, ibidem 出处同上;instruction book 说明书;inbound 内地的
ib 双语例句
Q : what is so special about ib programmes ? 问:ib项目有哪些特殊的地方? Elsewhere , overseas branches of traditional british private schools that offer the ib are springing up all over the world . 在其它地方,提供国际学士学位的传统英国私立学校的海外分支机构在全球遍地开花。 Debiting from customer 's account any commissions or fees owed to ib or other third party . 从客户帐户中扣除客户拖欠经纪商或其他第三方的任何佣金或手续费。 The ib should identify countries where the investigational product has been marketed or approved . 研究者手册应该标明研究产品上市或批准的国家。 Are you an ib alumnus ? 你是平和ib校友吗?