heim 双语例句
Of course , Heim and Reard didn 't create the idea of the bikini ; 当然,海姆和里尔德并不是最先想到比基尼这个点子的人。 A Study on the Processing of Nutritional Sauce through Deep Fermentation of Termitomyces fuliginosus Heim 鸡深层发酵制作营养酱油的研究 Dr Heim is reported to own an apartment building in the city . 根据报导,海曼医生在柏林市内也拥有一栋公寓大楼。 Termitomyces Heim ( 1941 ) is a kind of edible mushrooms with a good business prospects . 鸡菌属菌物是一类具有商业前景的食物蕈菌。 The inventors were two Frenchmen , Jacques Heim and Louis Reard . 它的发明者是两位法国人&雅克·海姆和路易斯·里尔德。