- abbr. gosudarstvo (Russian=state) (俄语)国家
gos 双语例句
When we first started the company , we had a single product : gos . 但我们的公司创立时,我们只有一个产品:gos。 Gos , an older lightweight linux operating system vendor , launched its gos cloud operating system way back in 2008 . gos,一款老牌的轻量级linux操作系统供应商,在2008年就发布了gos云操作系统。 However , one of the most impressive instant operating systems yet has to be the gos cloud produced by good os of los angeles . 然而,最令人印象深刻的实时操作系统,毫无疑问,仍是洛杉矶goodos公司生产的goscloud系统。 If google , with its powerful brand name and marketing clout , makes anything half as good as gos cloud , it will spell big trouble for microsoft and its windows franchise . 要是谷歌凭借强大的品牌和市场影响,做到goscloud系统一半好,微软及其视窗系统专营权就将面临灭顶之灾。 I noticed that a few articles reviewing cloud used screenshots of gos , and might have assumed that gos and cloud were the same operating system , when in fact they are different operating systems . 我回顾那些已发表的文章,发现一些cloud的截图来自于gos,这使人误会cloud和gos是同一种系统,但实际上这是两种完全不同的系统。