英 ['gəʊldənˌaɪ]
美 ['gəʊldənˌaɪ]
goldeneye 变化形式
易混淆的单词: GoldeneyeGoldenEye
goldeneye 双语例句
We are going to test-fire goldeneye . Report your status . 我们要试发黄金眼,请报告。 The seventeenth bond film , goldeneye , saw the introduction of a new bond in the form of pierce brosnan , and a new car , the bmw z3 . 第17部邦德电影《黄金眼》中,观众看到了新邦德皮尔斯布鲁斯南以及邦德的新车[宝马]z3型[汽车]。 Last week , gaming developer rare changed that golden logo we remember so well from donkey kong country and goldeneye to a new , more ' modern ' logo in commemoration of its 25th anniversary and its newfound focus on project natal . 上个星期游戏开发公司rare跟换了我们在《大金刚》和《黄金眼》中记忆犹新的商标,改成了更为”现代化“的商标来纪念公司25周年庆,并将公司的重心转向微软的natal计划。 The original script for pierce brosnan 's first outing as007 , goldeneye , had to be changed when military brass objected to the character of a treacherous us admiral . Perhaps sensing the enjoyment the french get out of being offended , the traitor became an admiral in the french navy instead . Us military support was assured . 皮尔斯布罗斯南的第一部007电影《黄金眼》脚本即因美国军方反对一名叛变的美国海军上将这一角色而被迫修改,也许是认为法国人不会介意,这位叛变者变成了法国海军的一名海军上将,从而保证了美国军方的支持。