英 [glɪbnɪs]
美 [glɪbnɪs]
glibness 双语例句
One problem is its glibness . 其中缺点之一就是轻言妄语。 Glibness and superficial charm ? 口若悬河还想当迷人? But it will leave many readers unsatisfied . One problem is its glibness . 但很多读者对该书并不满意,一个问题是内容浮浅。 Beneath his glibness and mocking with he was shallow , flippant , and indecisive . 他那油嘴滑舌和冷嘲热讽的机智掩盖着他的浅薄、轻率和优柔寡断。 Perhaps the glibness is because martin sees where his argument is leading , but he is too worried about putting it in words . 或许,这种圆滑是因为马丁已经看到了他的观点将指向何方,但是,他过於担心将其付诸文字。