frosts 双语例句
New england had frosts in july . 七月的新英格兰地区还在霜冻。 We have set up early warning systems for frosts and shelters for animals . 我们已经建立了霜冻预警系统,为动物建立了庇护所。 But despite frosts and cool weather , it 's too early to say if canola yields will suffer , he said . 他说,尽管如此,但是霜冻和凉爽的天气使油菜籽产量受损是言之尚早的。 Similar crops in other countries have been damaged by severe frosts and the demand for rapeseed oil has increased , especially from india and china . 其他国家的类似农作物因严重的霜冻而受到了破坏,造成了他们对菜籽油需求的增加,特别是印度和中国。 Steam from a coal fired power station is highlighted by dawn light during a record breaking cold snap in the australian inland , temperatures of - 9c very low for the region created widespread and damaging frosts . 在澳大利亚内陆寒流破纪录时,燃煤蒸汽发电厂所发出的蒸汽被曙光所照亮,在气温达到为-9度的地区造成了普遍和破坏性的霜冻。