- abbr. flap shield confined plasma reactive ion etching 隔板约束等离子体反应离子蚀刻
frie 双语例句
Books are my best frie . 书本是我的好朋友。 Being in sixth grade means moving up to middle school , having different teachers for each subject , and meeting new frie . 升入六年级意味着自己已经成为一名初中生了,要学习新的学科,要有新的老师,要遇见来自其他小学的新同学。 Students should listen more to their classmates , thus they will help and learn from each other , and a frie ndship is likely to be formed . 同学之间应该互相倾听,这样他们可以互相学习和帮助,也会形成友谊。