flighting 双语例句
The flighting flared after a week . 战斗在一周后突然爆发。 Can space station be suffered by meteorolite during the flighting ? 空间站在飞行过程中会不会遭受陨石的袭击? This effect can make flighting rocket flight fail sometimes . 这种影响有时可造成火箭飞行失败。 Auger flighting design considerations chinese version , auger flighting design considerations english version , auger flighting design considerations chinese translation . 螺旋输送机叶片设计考虑英文版,螺旋输送机叶片设计考虑中文版,螺旋输送机叶片设计考虑翻译。 Moving center of mass control for reentry warheads are used to realize the maneuver control on the missiles and to promote the end-guidance accuracy by changing the center of mass of rv and aerodynamic trim moment , so as to adjust the flighting attitude and angle-of-attack . 弹头变质心机动控制是通过移动弹头的质心位置,利用气动配平力矩改变弹头的飞行姿态和攻角,从而可实现弹头机动控制。