fishman 双语例句
How about going for a bike ride ? The fishman will position his boat on the trailor hook very cautiously . 骑车出去溜溜好吗?(渔夫把他的船小心地安放在拖车的挂钩上。) This is the sister , Margaret Radulovich fishman . 这就是他的姐姐,玛格丽特拉杜诺维基菲什。 \' if you become a fishman , \'said the little bunny , \'I will become a rock on the mountain , high above you \' \'如果你变成捕鱼的人\',小兔说\'我就要变成高山上的大石头,让你抓不到我\'。 The results showed that better compliance existed among those who are 30-40 years old , male , fishman , or having high income , the main influencing factors are knowledge and attitude on both the severity of schistosomiasis and effectiveness of chemotherapy , contacting with contaminated water with high frequencies , case history of schistosomiasis , being given health education , price of chemotherapy medicine , and the influences between family members . 30岁─40岁的男性、渔民、收入较高者化疗依从性相对较好;居民的性别、对疾病严重性的认识、对化疗药物疗效的认识、是否经常接触疫水、有无血吸虫病病史、家庭成员之间的影响、收费的高低、是否接受过卫生宣教等是化疗依从性的主要影响因素。